Love: A side effect of COVID
Earlier this week I tested positive for COVID-19 and I couldn’t be more in love with life than I am right now.
Not because my life is threatened but rather my appreciation for all that surrounds me has unexpectedly grown exponentially.
On Monday evening, my little family and I packed up the car and set out for our cozy house upstate. We stocked up on food, meds and vitamins and softened into the reality that we contracted this strange and mysterious virus.
The next day the snow began to fall. It fell for 24 hours, blanketing all the exposed ground and weighing down the tree branches. There was something so magical about the timing. It was as if the snow was giving us permission to pause and settle in to the next two weeks of indoor healing.
I certainly did not want to catch the virus, but sometimes things come into my life just when I need them, whether I like it or not. You know what I mean?
Prior to contracting COVID, I had been writing drafts about LOVE to promote the next storytelling event... but nothing felt too inspiring.
Then this viral foreign invader enters the scene and BAM I get hit with the unexpected love bug (along with major fatigue, congestion and body aches).
I look in the mirror, at messy hair and dark circles under my eyes and I just want to hug myself. I stare at my son's little feet sticking out from under the blanket he has tented over him and I feel all googly-eyed for his toes. I sit next to my beloved, neither of us showered (because, why? We lost our sense of smell days ago) and I can feel my heart swell.
And then I look at the snow, ahhh the snow, and I am in awe of its brightness and beauty. I want to roll around in it like a big polar bear.
See what I mean about the love bug?
It's not as if the tough moments aren't here. Some days I want nothing more than to stay in bed, but all River wants is 'mommy.' All. Day. Long.
Not easy, but in love? Yup.
I tell ya, if it weren’t for love bugs during tough times I don’t think humanity would’ve made it this far.
I’m curious, do you have a story about love? Is it romantic? Is it life-changing? Is it sad? Is it sweet? Are you willing to share? The world needs all the love stories it can get right now!
Storytelling night is coming up and I am in search of eight storytellers to share tales of unexpected love, in whatever form that love may have come.
All stories are five minutes or less and must be shared by someone 65+ years old. All ages are welcome to listen but the microphone will be held only by the ‘mature’ voices in our community ;)
Please reach out if you have a story to share and RSVP (for free!) if you wish to attend.
Peace, LOVE & Magic,