Wisdom Speaks
My maternal grandmother gave me two pieces of advice that I will never forget.
The first, was to avoid using the word “hate” when I spoke of others. The second, was to marry someone who loves me just a little bit more than I love them.
Let’s not get into the second bit of advice she gave - that might be controversial ;)
But the first one, to not use the word “hate”, truly influenced how I relate to the world and the people in it.
We are presently living through monumental moments in history. No matter your political views, we are witnessing events that will shape the course of our lives, the lives of our children, the planet and humanity.
With so much divisiveness out there, it is easy to go all “me-versus-them”. Fists up in the air! Ready to fight it out. Some even give in to feelings of hate.
But thanks to my grandma Shirley's advice, whenever I hear the word “hate” out there, or coming out of my own mouth, something inside me says 'woah, woah, woah!'.
I am certain that if I sat down for dinner with a family who holds completely different views than mine, we could still connect on many things, and possibly even have a great time.
By not letting “hate” seep in, I see others differently. I’m not choosing to push them away for their beliefs, but rather to give them a chance as a fellow human. Hate is heavy. To carry it around does no good in the world.
My grandmother’s wise words gave me the gift of traveling lighter through life and forging deeper connections.
If you are lucky, you may have someone in your life who has imparted their wisdom on you. What a gift! A gift that should be shared...
The next storytelling event is quite special. The mic is open to anyone of any age but the story shared must be about wisdom that has been passed down from an elder.
If you are open to sharing this wisdom and how it has shaped your life, there are 8 storyteller slots and a few are still available! Email me here.
All attendees are going to be handed true gifts that you may have never otherwise received.