When you think about love...
When you think about love, what comes to mind?
For me, it has always been romantic love that popped up first.
When asked as a young girl, what i wanted to do or be when i grew up my answer always began with ‘meet my soul mate’ and....
(own a restaurant, live on the beach and open a bar, build a yoga studio, card deal on a cruise ship, be a cartoonist, be a magician, the list goes on!)
Always with my ‘soul mate’ by my side.
Now, as a 40 year old woman, mother, partner and movement teacher when I think about love, so much more shows up. I think about love for my son, my family, the planet. Love of travel, of moving my body, of music, of movies, of food, of community, and that oh so elusive self love.
Currently, I am reading Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown. She writes:
“Connection is why we're here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.”
To me, nothing feels truer than this statement right now and it is also one of the reasons why i believe this pandemic to be so brutal. It is in our nature to be close to others and that social intimacy has screeched to a halt for many of us.
I created online storytelling night last year to keep us connected to the hearts of our fellow humans. When we listen to others stories we learn about who they are, we resonate with them and we are uplifted by them.
The theme of Thursday's storytelling night is Unexpected Love. I felt it an appropriate topic since love and connection may be needed more than ever in our lives. We have an incredible lineup of tellers and their tales of all kinds of love.
There is one more storyteller spot available (open to all ages!)... if you feel inspired to share a story, message me!
Of course, there are many seats for listeners... ahh, the benefits of online events ;)
I hope you can enjoy this LOVE filled and FREE event!
Thursday, February 11th from 7:30pm-8:30pm
Must RSVP to attend!
Peace, LOVE and magic,
P.S. My family and I are back to good health and covid-free! Thanks for all your sweet messages.