So. Many. Sighs.

Is it just me or is everyone else taking many extra sighs throughout the day?  The moments of sweetness and connection. The moments of deep sadness and anger. The moments of extreme gratitude. The moments of surrender.  SO. MANY. SIGHS.

It's so hard to really wrap our heads around what is happening in the world and it is also incredible that almost every human on this planet has adapted so quickly to the situation. I was listening to Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) on Instagram and she put it very well by saying that humans are such a paradox. We are the species that is most fearful and anxious about change yet also the species that adapts most swiftly to change. Go figure.

My little family unit is doing OK but it's still challenging. That seems to be a common thread amongst everyone i speak with. Safe and (mostly) healthy but still having a hard time. And that’s SO normal. If we weren't struggling or worried or anxious or uneasy we wouldn't be human. These are very normal and healthy reactions to crisis and trauma. And that's what this is. I remind myself daily to be gentle with myself when i lose my patience or eat one too many muffins (apparently, i bake now) or allow River to watch a little too much TV. We are in survival mode, not thrive mode.

My saving grace these days are the 3 classes i am teaching through Reflections Yoga Online Studio. Even though some days I am dragging my feet to show up, once I see everyone arriving I become energized and my heart is filled. Present and past students, friends, friends of friends, family members and people who live far away that were never able to take class with me before are attending. It's so very uplifting for me and from the feedback i get, the feeling for them is mutual.

The other day in our online class i felt inspired to share the view that as we rest nature thrives, or as my friend (hi Barb!) says- ‘Mother Earth is resetting’. Bustling NYC has become a place where we can hear the birds sing and you can take a deep breath without inhaling fumes. My friend in Rockaway (hi Dara!) saw 100 + dolphins swimming in the sea!  My other dear friend in Queens (hi Ina!) sent me a photo of a pigeon taking roost on her back porch so peacefully laying her eggs. This to me is proof that Mother Nature is healing our very sick planet. I do understand that it is a struggle to hold this view when humans are suffering so deeply. However, I believe this experience can be BOTH beautiful and ugly at the same time. Isn't life always?


On that note... I made a little video for you all to watch and follow along with. A bit of Franklin Method and Yoga love for your neck and shoulders. 

I am so thankful for all of you who have been coming to the online classes and I hope you can join in soon if you haven't been. My classes are all Senior Movement classes and they are open to and accessible to ALL BODIES who need some tending to. Reflections Online has a FULL 7 Day/Week Yoga & Meditation Class schedule with some truly spectacular teachers.  

See below for my online calendar, ways to stay connected and your Neck & Shoulder Love Video.

Peace, Health & Love,


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