Tired Eyes. Deep Thoughts.
I have been in a baby bubble the past 2 and 1/2 months. So many beautiful moments and, of course, many challenging moments as well. I’m still in shock that I am a mama and this beautiful baby boy is my son.
I miss teaching my classes and interacting with the ‘world out there’ but all of my attention and love has been going to my little family unit. Since River's arrival my heart has expanded exponentially yet recently I realized that I have lost something very important. I lost my self care practice. I have forgotten to take care of myself in a nourishing way- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I gathered up some energy the other day to go to my first yoga class since Rivers birth. It was tough- not just physically but emotionally. My body felt different, i missed River and I really just wanted to rest in child’s pose the whole time. Not to my surprise, i had an insight while on the mat, where many have come before: self care is 100% my responsibility. No one can do it for me.
I believe it is time to refocus on gathering energy back into my body & mind so that I have more to give to my community. "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first." How many times do I need to re-learn this lesson?
I have a list of January self care goals that I was going to share in this post but every time I read them over I feel overwhelmed. So instead I am going to start by making 1 single goal: to take time each day to focus on my breath. Inhale and exhale. That’s all.
Happy 2019 everybody! May this new year bring you all peace, love & magic and of course, movement and yoga :)
P.S. If you want to take a peek into some other things I may be doing to re-enter into my self-care practice- follow my movementandyoga Instagram account. I'll post along the way :)