Running with a Weighted Vest


Hello beautiful beings 💜

It’s been a while. I’ve missed you!

I took a little time off from sending my newsletters. A regrouping was needed. Life has been different to say the least! I have a 1 year old son and have been spending most of my time learning how to be a mother from him. My own mom is spending a day a week with River and I can't express how grateful i am to have a woman in my family who I can share this experience with.

Over the summer I was able to take a short vacation to Greece for one of my best friends weddings. I traveled with 3 other mama bear friends leaving a total of 4 partners and 7 children behind. It was a tough decision but a wonderful and much needed adventure!

We celebrated River’s first spin around the sun and our 1 year anniversary of parenthood. It’s been a wild ride so far with many challenging moments but an equal amount of magical ones. A perfect balance for one to grow and evolve. 💫

The challenges over the past few months
have been negotiating time for myself, not being financially independent, asking for help, the loss of spontaneity, learning that you cannot control the agenda of another human no matter how small they are, trusting my gut and not making life “all about the baby”.

My most recent endeavor was immersing in a 3 day doula training. I have been pretty obsessed with the birth world since I became pregnant. I have read many books and research studies about pregnancy, birth and the "business of being born". I have also had conversations with numerous women about their experiences giving birth or women who have attended births. It’s an intense and illuminating world.

I am still very much enjoying teaching my classes, albeit few, each week. My Senior Movement class on Tuesday mornings holds a piece of my heart. The committed group that shows up, including my very own dad, aka Papi, are devoted to improving themselves. I also feel blessed that I can guide people into their Yoga journey in my Bare Bones Basics class on Wednesday evenings.

I won’t be teaching my classes this week but have 2 wonderful teachers stepping in for me. I am spending this week at our house upstate with my sweet little family unit and a few friends and extended family sprinkled in. It snowed here this morning and i was reminded that winter brings introspection. It is a great time to meditate, journal and draw. I broke out the crayons already 🎨

I have some ideas brewing for the months ahead and can’t wait to see what comes to fruition. I’ll keep these to myself until I take a few more steps towards them. For me, trying to achieve or create something new when you have a child is like going for a run with a weighted vest on: totally possible but you gotta push just a bit harder to get to the end.

I'd also like to mention that i have 1 opening for a weekly private Movement & Yoga Session. My ideal student has one or some of the following qualities: open minded, an elder, a pregnant woman, someone who is looking to improve their overall well-being, someone not seeking an acrobatic type yoga style and/or a person just curious about a one on one practice.

That’s all for now! I hope you are all getting some nourishing movement into your body during this lovely autumn season 🍁

Hedy IankelevichComment