Look Up!
A few weeks ago, I woke up with a debilitating neck spasm. I saw all my bodyworkers and even had my Reiki Master friend do "psychic surgery" from afar. A week later, I was back to my usual self but with many lessons learned. The biggest one being that i have been looking down too much- looking at my phone, working on my computer, checking emails, social media and texting. In this day and age it is very easy to forget to LOOK UP. Sometimes we have to be reminded in the form of pain that we need to look around, be more present, more mindful, smile at strangers, look up at the sky, the stars, the clouds, the buildings, the trees!
Symbolically, to me, looking up means dreaming. As a child I hung glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling in my bedroom so that I could go to sleep staring at the "vast sky" or at least imagining it. I would lay in bed, look up and 'awake dream' for hours.
Last year, my partner and I bought a home upstate. We installed 2 huge windows over our bed so that when we go to sleep we are looking up at the real vast sky. We can see constellations and shooting stars from our bedroom! It's unreal. Some nights when the moon is full, it's like there is a spot light over our bed. It's everything i had always dreamed of as a child. It's been a while since I let myself get lost in a deep awake dream. I realize that my neck has a message for me-- it is telling me it's time to look up at the stars and start dreaming again.