What people are saying about Hedy’s classes

You are extraordinary! Your classes are excellent. I am never bored, which is saying a lot, and before I know it, 45 minutes has gone by and we’re getting on the floor!
— Anita H.
What a great class. It magically gets “rid of“ what ails me….body and soul. And, you do it so well.
— Marylin S.
Your skill and involvement are amazing
— Marie L.
While Hedy markets to older adults, I’ve joined at 31 because I have carried physical trauma in my history of body injuries/breaches and somatic stress. Our sessions include thoughtfully expert sequencing and I feel supported, guided, and nurtured to safely face blockage or weakness. I’m in awe of the way her intuition and design meet to make available to me the healing energy that lives in me. The misleadingly subtle exercises bring about long-term endurance and deep strength because they trigger my muscles to automatically practice the movements all day after class, as well as in between classes.

By trusting the process, I’m seeing improvements in my digestion motility and arthritic-like symptoms as well as a decrease in hip and neck pain. Hedy is so blessed, welcoming, and accommodating and I highly recommend this for anyone who can relate to anything I’ve shared.
— Shaina H.
I think I impressed my whole building yesterday, thanks to you. I had gone food shopping and was carrying a large purse and my groceries on my shoulder [today’s class helped immensely!]. I passed my usual Christmas tree people and couldn’t resist. I was going to go home first and come back to pick-up my purchases - but no! I knew I could do it! So off I went with purse and groceries on my shoulder, a 5’ tree in one hand and a Christmas wreath in the other. When I walked into the building, I could have sworn I heard a round of applause - thanks to you!!
— Marie L.
I love the [Movement for Life] class; it has made a huge difference in my physical health and well-being. More than anything though, I love your irrepressible spirit. How you manage to communicate so much love and laughter over the internet is a mystery. A good mystery that is, for which I am forever grateful.
— Phyllis R.
I had been taking movement classes with Hedy before the pandemic began and they were wonderful. However, during the pandemic, Hedy and her wonderful and creative teaching were true life savers. Although all the zoom classes were virtual, Hedy created a true community for all of the participants. We felt part of something both physically and mentally healing. With Hedy, each class is different-there is variety and creativity. Regardless of the exercises, by the end of the class I feel invigorated and put in a good mood for the rest of the day. I encourage everyone- regardless of age- to join this wonderful movement community.
— Barbara H.
It was another gray, cold morning in NYC and I resisted getting out of bed for class. But I was so glad I did. Class was a perfect combination of stretches, strengthening and self- love. The whole day looks better from my new perspective. Thank you, thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
I woke up this morning feeling physically broken. I hesitated coming to class because of how bad I felt but knew it would help and it more than helped. You’re gorgeous spirit and the physical movement softened me from the inside out. Grazie bellissima! xx
— Rhonda C.
Your goodness and gratitude, compassion and empathy, affection and love is contagious. Through these precious character traits you possess you’ve created not only a community of movement practice, but a community of caring that is an oasis and respite from all the division, derision and the hatred that drives it, that bombards us daily. You teach us that we can be and are bigger and better and by seeing the best in us, you bring out the best in us.
— Paul R.
Your class has been a great help to me. Not only does it give me strength—it gives me joy. You spread joy.
— Jane S.
Recently, I had a severe illness and was in the hospital for several months then rehab. When I came home I was very weak and contacted Hedy about helping me heal. Hedy was extremely welcoming and supportive. The work I did and plan to continue doing with Hedy helped me gain my balance back, become stronger and develop more confidence. I learned from Hedy that you can do yoga and Franklin Technique to get stronger in a relaxing way that is not stressful to the body. After a session with Hedy I feel stronger, have more energy and breathe easier. In addition, to being a wonderful teacher Hedy has a good knowledge of anatomy which is enormously helpful to me. I always wished I was a good dancer and what I have learned in my work with Hedy is that we are all dancers and have the capacity to move beautifully through life.
— Howard E.
As a newbie to yoga, I was a bit intimidated to just jump into it. There were two reasons that really helped me feel more confident and able to learn & enjoy myself more. One was the fact that Reflections Yoga has so many different levels of classes so I was able to start with the very basics and move up as I felt more comfortable, and the other reason was Hedy. Hedy has a very friendly and relatable way about her which is seen in her classes and outside of them too. As a teacher, she is always helpful and on point and each time I take a class with her I come out learning something new.
A few weeks ago there was a day I was debating on taking a yoga class – partly because of the bad weather, partly because of lack of motivation. In the end I went and coming out of Hedy’s class, I felt so overjoyed that I had gone! Some days you need yoga more than others but because of Hedy’s reassuring energy and refreshing attitude I felt thankful to be a part of her class in particular that day. Thanks Hedy, I just wanted to express my gratitude and let you know that I’m looking forward to more of your classes!
— Jillian P.
A yoga class with Hedy is much more than a typical yoga class; it’s an exploratory experience through your body. In our yoga asanas, often we got caught up in what the asana physically looks like on the outside, but do we ever consider what our body, anatomically, looks like on the inside?
Hedy teaches, reminds, helps us feel and embody just that. Her classes flow beautifully from beginning to end and they are one of the few classes where my body feels like it could practice for hours comfortably. Her incredibly sweet and personable demeanor are just the icing on the cake.
— Sheeva G
Before I began my work with Hedy the pain in my leg was so bad that I dreaded my daily subway rides, had trouble standing long enough to do the dishes, and was in a general state of sadness about my chronic pain. Hedy changed both my perspective on pain and, through her melding of different disciplines, she gave me essential tools to practice non-fear based ways of healing and strengthening my body.
Hedy has shown me how to connect to my body as a whole, not just as various “trouble spots.” This has resulted in less anxiety about my pain and, consequently, a release from that pain. She uses yoga, the Franklin Method, and the gift of her intuition and empathy to guide her clients. Additionally, Hedy is a gracious and effervescent person who creates a warm, comfortable environment. I look forward to each session and always leave feeling more in touch with my physical - and subsequently emotional - being. I could not recommend her more highly.
— Brigit K.



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